Porkulus passed...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 8:03 AM

I hope you moonbats are happy now. You've bankrupted an entire generation and caused near-war conditions with nations we are supposed to have had good relations with. Even Putin is warning us not to go Socialist (video).

For me, personally, the final tally is kind of shitty. More food stamps, sure, but as a single person alone I don't rely on them to get by to begin with. The benefit is maybe a tenth of my entire food budget. And that's being kind to the statistic. You see, in welfare, the more you benefit from one program the less you benefit from all the others. So if you get a lot of food stamps, (unless you have kids) the less you get in medical care. And since I need medical care fairly badly I don't go all in for the other crap. Well, that's over now. The stimulus is taking that quid pro quo to a whole new level.

As someone with no children or husband I will be shit upon by the dem donkey.

Ah well. Guess I'll go apply for SSI so I can get myself a couple hundred bucks of free cash and start sucking on the social tit. Here's an explanation of the rest of it if you have the stomach. Most of it is programs that should have been passed seprately so that Congress wouldn't have their hands on any of the money. Because you KNOW they've shoved a lot of that into the pockets of their cronies. It's always that way with politics.

Blah. Now I'm depressed.

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