Reality check...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 7:57 AM

Awesome vid by KafirAlalazoo. Watch it all the way through.

So often we forget that we are not the only country on Earth. There is a lot going on out there. Do any of you /really/ think that Obama can handle it? I sure don't. I'd much rather have an experienced politician in office. Even if he isn't the best choice overall, he's the best choice in this election.


Obama is an elite socialist snob and Biden's only claim to fame is that nobody in his own party hates him. It bothers me that the Democrats would allow this sort of team to run for POTUS when the true nominee was infinitely more qualified. Obama /BOUGHT/ this nomination and now he's trying to buy the presidency. Check out the world and tell me this slum-lord-communist-thug-enabler is ready to handle it and I will point out at least 50 reasons why he can't.

[EDIT] Btw, check out the DOW today. Asian markets are tanking in a really bad way. The Zard's prediction is for a new Black Monday coming to your town soon. That said, don't start moving vast wads of cash if you can help it. Hold on tight. But if you have a 401k and you're a Democrat you should get yourself a sledgehammer and beat yourself on the head several times with maximum force.

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