The Dow and Such...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:25 AM

Asian markets just blew a gasket and shoved the DOW past 8000. The ship is sinking. And you know what is really amusing? To me, at least. All those countries who laughed and pointed and bitched about the downfall of the 'Great Superpower' that is the United States are all scrambling to either get their own hand out from our congress or shove money into our system at an alarming rate. So what's it gonna be, douchebags? The fall of the United States (and with it the entire world market) or are you gonna stop being dicks?

Personally, I think we should let it all crash. That 700 Billion didn't do much, did it? But you can bet the CEOs of Fannie, Freddie, and AIG are off on another pleasure junket, aren't they? While the world burns these modern-day Neros are off enjoying other people's money. This is your Democratic Congress in action, ladies and gentlemen.

If it weren't politically incorrect I'd suggest a good old fashioned lynching. And tell OPEC to shove it up their rich asses. $2.80 per gallon at the pump is rather nice after dealing with their inflated bullshit prices all summer.

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