I'ma change my mind...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 8:44 AM

After much thought, coffee, and a little bit of rum for taste, I've decided that in this particular election it might not be a bad thing for the Democrats to win. Now don't look at me like that, there's a good reason. And it has nothing to do with the Toradols I took half an hour ago to offset sleeping like a pretzel last night. Nah, I'm wierd but I'm not that wierd.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to point and laugh at a Democrat and not be accused of a hate crime? Wouldn't it be nice to ridicule socialists where they live, carrying signs, pointing fingers, and laughing at an ineffectual twat in the White House? All the fun conservatives have missed simply because a socialist Che-wannabe couldn't get elected. So I've decided, after much thought, that it wouldn't be so bad if Obama gets into the White House. The US can crumble and make Galts of us all. There is no universal law that forces the richest and hardest working Americans to actually stay in the United States. We'll lose our best corps, our best minds, and our brightest investors. So what? We can sit on our divans with a cold Bud and laugh our asses off at under $250k per year just as easily as we could at $250,001 per year. Fuck 'em. Even if none of us pay taxes we'll STILL get a tax return!! So what if the debit rises, it's not as if WE are responsible for any of it!!

Let's all be lemmings and follow Obama!! :D

This is what I get for always looking for a silver lining...

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