Something decidedly sneaky is going on...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 9:15 PM

The democrats wanted this vote to fail. They wanted a reason to poke the finger at House Republicans. Pelosi's partisan speech blaming George Bush's White House for the problems at hand did nothing but push maybe 12-13 people that were on the fence onto the 'NO' side. Not enough, considering the majority Democrat floor, to sway a purely partisan vote. No. Something is going on.

If you read over who voted and how, you realize (slowly) that five major Democrat committee chairmen all voted 'NO' to the bailout. Why is this significant? Check out the roll call:

Colin Petersen, D-Minnesota House Agriculture Committee

Bennie Thompson, D-Missippi House Committe of Homeland Security

Bob Filner, D-California House Committee on Veterans Affairs

John Conyers, D-Michigan Committee on the Judiciary

Gene Green (acting), D-Texas House Ethics Committee

These are not bit players or freshmen. These are powerful people at the heads of some very powerful committees. And they all voted 'NO' on the bailout.

Something stinks in Washington. And it's coming from Pelosi's office.

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