Bailout Bill FAILS in the House...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 12:20 PM

Hurray for bi-partisanship. The bill was a complete flop and unbelievably frightening in it's Socialist agenda. If you haven't seen it, it should still be available as a PDF at the National Review.

Pelosi then went on national TV and blamed the Republicans for not playing ball with the Democrats. Maybe she neglected to remember that the Democrats have the MAJORITY in BOTH the House and the Senate. If 94 DEMOCRATS had voted 'yea' the bill would have passed. What a douche. Why is she speaker? This Rep. Frank just parroted Pelosi in blaming Republicans for the failure. Only difference is that Pelosi did it BEFORE THEY EVEN VOTED. She and other Democratic leaders are saying that Republicans made the bill fail because of 'hurt feelings.' What the hell? Are these people twelve years old?

I'm glad it didn't pass. Next step is to ask a real economist, an expert in the field, to figure out what to do next. Not some self-absorbed communist BITCH and her NON ELECTED LACKEY (Paulson was NOT elected, he was hired). Democrats on the hill disgust me. Hopefully I'll be able to post some vids later. Watching this on FOX and CNN at the same time and you can probably guess the bias on both sides. Ugh.

Update: The DOW is tanking. Biggest loss in history. Here's your October Suprise, kids. Largest one-day point loss of all time. Almost -700 points. Thanks for the depression, Democrats. Check from time to time. If it goes past -700 we're in danger of a complete collapse. [Additional Note: Don't panic, the percentage hasn't budged, we are not actually in a depression. The price of gold is shooting up and the price of oil is shooting down. So far, so good.]

Another Scary Update: Now why would our Democrat majority House and Senate call for Army backup? Yeah. Conspiracy nuts aside, we didn't need any of this before the elitists decided that 700 billion = 5 trillion.

Yet Another Update (personal this time): For you douchenozzles that say that McCain or Obama are behind this problem, you should remember that neither one of them are Representatives. They are Senators and therefore have no vote in the House.

Yet Another Another Update: The Bill is /dead/. It will not be revived or altered. In order for a financial bill to be put before the House, they have to make a completely NEW document for discussion. Pelosi's call for Martial Law severely backfired and she cannot do it again until after Rosh Hashanah since her lead backers are Jewish. My thoughts are racing. Maybe I should put the coffee down, huh?

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