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Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 5:50 PM

Atlas Shrugs is no longer linked from here. She's revealed herself to be nothing more than another fascist thug and I have no need for her skewed point of view. For a Jewish woman, she's picked up some pretty disgusting friends.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Europe is already lost. If VB, DeWinter, LePen have their way they will not only get rid of Muslims, but anyone who isn't exactly like them. That means Pamela Geller will be pointed out soon after the Muslims have gone. Using the fascist cause to fight Islamisation doesn't stop the fascist tendency to wipe out anything that isn't Aryan and anti-semitic.

Pamela Geller has become a moron of the highest calibre. May God have mercy on your soul.

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