
Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:13 AM

After a long and hard argument on whether or not to use waterboarding on enemies of the United States, I made the mistake of watching a real Taliban beheading video. Here's the link on Weaselzippers. But be warned, it's horrible. If you have a weak stomach, don't watch it. Please. I am humbled and sobered. The argument is meaningless in the face of this kind of 7th century behavior.

Radical Islam has no problem using torture and death to make their point, the moderates don't do anything to stop it. And they use our system of morals against us. Waterboarding is torture, this is true, but it does no harm to the person on which it is being used. Not permanent, bloody, horrifying damage or death. If it means these people are not populating my hometown I say use all the torture you want to use and then do it again to make the point stick.

The victims are human beings. The people sawing their heads off are animals. And they don't deserve my consideration or compassion. Long live the 10th crusade.

Was going to make a longer links post, but after this I just can't.

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