Avoiding work...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:09 AM

A lot has been going on and I have been trying to avoid 90% of it. The game is coming along nicely on my own machine, but I have yet to transfer the bulk onto the game itself. Opting for pretty graphics, I built up the ethereal realm as something changeable and colorful. Since it is MY zone, I thought that was just fine. The rest I have on a couple of ascii maps. That's right. Ascii. Don't ask me why because I can't possibly tell you. It's one of those brain things that happens from time to time. And in any case I won't have to transfer anything over to make maps on the game itself. Though I may have to get out the pencils and rectify things. Meh.

RIP Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes (even if you were part of a fruity little club) Nighters Shaft.

The home life is droning as hell. Summer means very few breaks in the monotony and lots of little bastards out of school to irritate the online life. Kind of pondered a move from ER to another server, but maybe waiting for WoTLK will weed out the worst of them. It seems as if everyone is rude, thieving, and opportunistic on ER anymore. Present company not necessarly excepted.

In global news, Russia has decided to invade Georgia. And no, not the state. The former province of the USSR. It seems as if the US isn't doing anything and the mainstream media isn't looking in their direction at all. If you know nothing of the politics of the region you might not understand why this is happening at all and why the US seems to be glossing over it. It's not nuclear weapons that we fear. Hahahahaha...as if. Nono. The US gave all the troops from Georgia that were in Iraq a free ride home. On us. I thought that was a cool gesture of support for a fellow democratic society fighting the reigns of a failing socialist republic.

I dunno, it's not a region I'm terribly familiar with. But it seems to me that the pro-democracy west is getting the wiggling finger for not aiding Georgia. When actually the only reason we like them is because they keep the oil flowing out the anus between the asscheeks of Russia and Iran. Time will tell, I guess. We still have yet to turn Afghanistan into a parking lot. Somehow I think Eurasia has already fallen and we simply don't know it yet.

Eh. Back to work. Or maybe a cool shower.

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