Holy crap...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:51 PM

I'm on public healthcare in the form of Medicare and Medicaid through Illinois state. A blue state. When you watch this it sounds pretty good up front. But if you keep watching up past the 5 minute mark, things start to change. I mean TWISTED change. Seriously horrifying change that even someone like me depending on public healthcare should and will be frightened of to the extreme. Go watch.

Health Care for America Rally - Chicago Rep Jan Schakowsky (9th IL)

She's not just a liberal. She's a follower of Stalinist doctrine. This is your federal government. And all those people are eating right out of her hand. This is bordering on biblical scary, kids. This really gives me the screaming heebies. Maybe that previous joke about Obama being born in the same year as the antichrist isn't such a joke...

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