Ribbons and Unicorns...

Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:47 PM

Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System

Check it out. There's a big winding ribbon between us and the universe. Proof of god? Or just another anomaly to add to all the others? I'm sure Benny Hinn will be taking advantage.

On a different note, I've decided not to renew my cable TV. The more I watch bits and pieces, the more I read newspapers and magazines...the more I am convinced that the media is no longer a haven for journalists. They are all after the same thing. Ratings, money and the advancement of the 'progressive' agenda. Entertainment has trumped any journalistic integrity any network or paper or news organization ever had. MSNBC? Good lord, can they get any worse? Their main star, Olbermann, just did a monologue protesting DEATH. What. The. Fuck. And Matthews? He just called for the murder of Rush Limbaugh over a series of FAKE quotes. Simply because he's popular and conservative. If a conservative entertainment talking head had said anything similar about a liberal the news would be COVERED with sympathy for the poor-downtrodden-misunderstood liberal. Has decency completely gone the way of the dodo? And here we find the dryest paper in the universe, The Wall-Street Journal, has now become #1 in the USA!! A conservative rag that covers finance. Can you believe it? It'd be really funny if it weren't so friggin sad.

The US is coming up on a serious crossroads. Fox News, a channel I'm not fond of to begin with, has become #1. A pompous bloviating asshole like Bill O'Reilly can actually point and laugh at the other networks for sucking WORSE THAN HIM. Christ, it's like watching a cheesy plotless spaghetti western.

So I can honestly say...the US news...is not fit to print. Or air. Or anything else for that matter.

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