
Posted by Kogai | Posted in | Posted on 10:25 PM

So after almost getting nailed by a bluehair in a buick I've been taking it easy under the adviso of my temporary physician. Who's taken a week off for whatever reason and can't look at my x-rays until monday-ish next week. *le-sigh* Friday I see my monthly in Mt. Vernon and I've made an appointment with their nurse practitioner. Probably won't come to much without having my history there, but damn...this hurts. >_<

Boooooooored. Good lord, I'm bored. I thought of a few ideas on things to write about and I plan on doing so. After I'm done sketching. Though those aren't coming to much since I'm so badly out of practice. That and I can't find a comfortable position to do it all in. Oh blah, I'm bitching.

Enough bitching. There's news to read and cats to pet and yarn to crochet.

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